Hello there!

Welcome to StuffyXP's personal website! :D

The home for everything that you see on the Navbar, and other things too :3c
Feel free to visit this website whenever you'd like! Use the links on the Navbar to get started!

Where do you want to go today?

 To the YouTube Channel!  To the Discord Server!  To the Mastodon Profile!

Featured Videos

Some videos that i think should introduce you to what i do!

StuffyXP - Installing Modern Programs on Windows Vista!

StuffyXP - Haiku – The modern implementation of BeOS!

StuffyXP - A ReactOS video but everything goes kinda normal...

Stuffy 64 - this is right and wrong at the same time... | SM64 96flashbacks Ep. 1

Stuffy 64 - the level 27 junker x experience.

Stuffy 64 - i actually did it...